TCIC/TLETS Less than Full Access

*** TO REGISTER FOR THIS COURSE, PLEASE LOGIN AND REGISTER *** System Definition & Policy Vehicle Registration Financial Responsibility Nlets Registration NCIC/TCIC Inquiry Responsibilities Driver License Databases Computerized Criminal History Files Combination Forms Hit Confirmation Forms Nlets/TLETS Inquiries Interpol Administrative Message ProceduresFor More information click here

TCIC/TLETS Full Access Course

*** TO REGISTER FOR THIS COURSE, PLEASE LOGIN AND REGISTER *** This course is for operators who perform all TCIC/NCIC functions, including inquiry, entry, modification, clearing, canceling and III functions. It also covers navigation of the databases that are connected to the TLETS system such as administrative messages, driver license, vehicle registration, and instructions regarding proper procedures for broadcasting in the state and nationwide. This course requires the TCIC/TLETS Operation Manual Part 1 - 3. Operators must receive this training within the first 6 months of assignment or employment, regardless of whether these duties are performed on a full time...

De-Escalation – (June 18, 2025 8:00 am – 5:00 pm)

*** TO REGISTER FOR THIS COURSE, PLEASE LOGIN AND REGISTER *** Description This course is designed to improve the response of officers to incidents that involve persons in crisis, who are behaving erratically, emphasizing that public and officer safety are at the heart of this training process. As of April 1, 2018, this course is required to be completed every 48 months for those with a basic or no proficiency certificate, or to obtain an intermediate or advanced proficiency certificate. This course meets Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) requirements #1849 Prerequisite  Any Commissioned / Licensed Peace Officer Topics Limiting the Use...

ICC Spanish for Law Enforcement – (August 6-8, 2025 8:00 am – 5:00 pm)

*** TO REGISTER FOR THIS COURSE, PLEASE LOGIN AND REGISTER *** An important duty for a criminal justice professional is gathering information during field interviews. One must be able to ask questions and be prepared to interpret the responses given in Spanish. This course will provide tips for identifying oneself and on how to ask questions necessary for establishing events, gathering details about times and dates, finding witnesses, and obtaining the description of suspects or victims. This course meets Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) requirements #2109For More information click here

Mental Health Officer – (August 19-21, 2025 8:00 am – 5:00 pm)

***TO REGISTER FOR THIS COURSE, PLEASE LOGIN AND REGISTER*** This course is free. The purpose of the Mental Health Officer course is to further inform and educate the officer in the area of mental health and issues pertaining to serving as a mental health officer, to include advanced crisis intervention training. This course meets Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) requirements #4201 Prerequisite To qualify for a mental health officer proficiency certificate, an applicant must meet the following requirements: Currently appointed as a peace officer or justice of the peace; At least two years experience as a peace officer or...

26th Texas Sergeant Academy

This two-week interactive and experiential program is designed to equip and inspire new supervisors, and reinvigorate senior supervisors, for the challenges of the fast paced and fluid world of law enforcement leadership. This course will meet the basic requirements established by TCOLE for the preparation of new supervisors for their supervisory role. Successful graduates of this course will receive 70 hours credit for the TCOLE New Supervisor’s Course 3737. TOPICS • Accountability • Case Law Update and Supervisory Responsibility • Managing Difficult Employees • Inclusive Leadership • Employee Motivation and Counseling • Courageous Followership • Leadership 101 • Leadership Styles...